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Case Studies

UK MOD © Crown copyright 2023

Morshead has an extensive track record of delivering analysis, experimentation and transformation in the Land, C4ISR, and Cyber domains. Below is a selection of Case Studies to illustrate our work.

Network Enabled Capability / Command and Battlespace Management for Close Combat (NEC4CC / CBM4CC)

Need: Dstl required evidenced insights on the impact of different information presentation mechanisms on the sensemaking and decision-making processes of Mounted and Dismounted Commanders

Approach: Morshead staff supported the generation of an end-to-end analysis framework for determining the impact on mission outcomes arising from the intervention, including a means to assess the soldier led ‘fightability’ of different technologies and modes of presentation.

Benefits: The work led to the exploration of key factors that underpinned Decision Quality and Tempo, before showing how these two parameters could be combined to show changes in mission outcome.

ASTRID Tasks 22 & 50 – CONOPs Development and OBC Support

Need: Dstl required support to the development of the CONOPs and scenario and vignette applicability of a novel capability, as well as broader OA to underpin an upcoming Outline Business Case (OBC) submission.

Approach: As the ASTRID Technical Lead, Morshead staff provided oversight to, and assurance of extensive work that explored use-cases, contexts, technologies and targets relating to a novel capability, assessing and prioritising options to be considered for further development and exploration, enterprise modelling, cost-effectiveness calculations and DLODs consideration. The work directly supported the OASP for a successful OBC.

Benefits: The work identified the technologies that showed most promise and the contexts of most interest, explored potential acquisition pathways and detailed the enabling capabilities required, leading to a successful Business Case submission.

Force Optimisation TTXs

Need: Support to the delivery of a number of Table Top Exercises (TTX) for the Army, involving structured discussion between experts to elicit opinions, judgements, and insights. 

Approach: Morshead helped in the problem structuring phase, assisted with the derivation of a series of discrete vignettes, collected data during delivery and provided specialist expertise on CBRN, before deriving and reporting actionable insights.

Benefits: The customer gained high quality evidence for use in further development of Concepts of Employment (CONEMPs), project planning and in articulating risk.

Virtual Reality in Land Training (VRLT)

Need: Army HQ’s Virtual Reality in Land Training Project (VRLT) required a Project Management and Deliver Support (PMDS) function responsible for upcoming experimentation.

Approach: Working alongside Arke, NSC, Cervus and Bohemia, Morshead designed the experiments and achieved the Ministry of Defence Research Ethics Committee (MODREC) approval. We used a repeated-measures approach to compare soldier performance with or without a VR project ‘innovation’, measured performance variables and analysed the results to determine if there was as statistically (and practically) significant difference.

Benefits: The customer gained high quality experimental evidence that supported their understanding of the impact of VR on Land Training.

CTTP Strategy and Policy coherence

Need: The Collective Training Transformation Programme (CTTP) required support to cohere a number of strategies and policies as part of their journey towards their Full Business Case (FBC).

Approach: Morshead provided expert advice on strategy and policy coherence regarding the Army Data Strategy, the Land Environment Training and Education Simulation Sub-Strategy, JSP 906 and JSP 939. Morshead staff continue to provide support to Army HQ before transition to a new delivery partner with a focus on acquisition, Defence Synthetic Environment Platform (DESP) and digital transformation. This work includes the design, delivery running and analysis of a CSF (Critical Success Factors) Workshop.

Benefits: The CTTP Programme is successfully transitioning to the next phase of the Programme, which will identify a Delivery Partner that will realise the programme architecture and vision.